Early Morning at Laenani Neighborhood Park

Early Morning at Laenani Neighborhood Park

Monday, May 11, 2015

I'm Still Alive...

Yes, I'm still alive and still working on my photography. Last year I wasn't as involved in it because we were dealing with the health issues of a family member (rest in peace, Dad). But now I think I'm ready to dive back into photography to see where this adventure takes me...

Since I wasn't shooting much last year I was afraid I'd go out with dA Crazies for a sunrise shoot and be totally lost as far as using the camera correctly and choosing the right exposure settings, but it turns out that if you've been shooting for several years the technical skills really do become second nature and I found that I wasn't stumbling around trying to figure out which button to press or which dial to turn. It's kinda like riding a bike...once you learn how you never really forget.

But I did find that I struggled when it came to making creative choices for my sunrise shots and I had a hard time figuring out what to shoot and how to compose the shots. The artistic/creative side of photography is something I've always struggled with and it seems I'll be re-learning and re-exploring this aspect of photography...again.

But I did finally join dA Crazies for a sunrise shoot at Laenani Neighborhood Park recently and thought I'd post some pictures I took as I prepared to do the group shot...sort of "behind the scenes" candid shots.

First thing I did was find a spot for the group shot...I chose this area between 2 coconut trees in an effort to keep the rising sun out of the background. I borrowed Ted's tripod to use as a light stand for my flash and setup the wireless flash and shutter release triggers.

After I got the flash and ambient exposure settings sorted out, I asked someone to volunteer to get into the shot so that I could check exposure and position the off camera flash. Phil volunteered to be the test subject.

Once I felt I had the flash exposure right, I let everyone else know I was ready for the group shot. It'll usually takes awhile before the others will get into position because they're busy talking among themselves. Phil stepped away to continue shooting and Reid and Janet walked over to get into position. I took another test shot as I waited for the others. I think Reid was doing an impression of a penguin.

Eventually Glenn came over to stand by Janet and Reid and I took another test shot. While we waited for the others I kept playing with the exposure settings and flash position while Glenn played with his smart phone.

Phil came back and I took another test shot while they talked about the shots they took that morning...or maybe they were discussing where breakfast would be.

Ted came over and I took a final test shot before I joined the others for the "official" group shot...Janet is checking out her "shaka" sign and Glenn is giving me his "Hurry up, I'm hungry...lets go eat!" look. I admit it, I do take a long time to setup for the group shot.

I checked the camera settings one last time and got into position and did the "1, 2, 3..." countdown before I hit the shutter release on my wireless remote...and voila! The group shot was finally taken.

I usually take at least 2 or 3 "official" group shots, just in case. On this day I took 2...here's the Rabbit Ears edition.

This is what I go through every time we do the group shot. But I can't complain, it's always fun times with this group of photographers. 

When it came time to post process the photos I took that morning I found that I kind of forgot my image editing workflow and was totally lost in Lightroom and Photoshop, especially with the plugins I use in Photoshop. So I'm currently watching the Don Smith Digital Workflow videos again and will be watching my other post processing tutorials by Sean Bagshaw, Alister Benn, Michael Breitung and Christopher O'Donnell in the weeks to come.